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Arise and Shine Health Center, LLC

Understanding The Risk Factors For Mental Conditions


It will always be a good decision to improve your mental wellness. Unfortunately, a range of factors threaten the state of our mental wellness. Being exposed to these factors can increase our risk of developing mental conditions while we react to these factors differently.

Providing mental health care Maryland has allowed us to understand the deep effects of these risk factors. Let us discuss some common risk factors that can harm your mental wellness.

  • Stressful Life Circumstances

    Chronic and intense stress can cause your mental health to deteriorate. When you go through difficult life moments, such as a divorce, losing a loved one, or financial problems, you are essentially going through incredibly stressful situations.

    Without any proper alleviation, this stress can lead to a mental disorder. It also increases your risk of substance abuse.

  • Genetics

    Our genetic predisposition also plays a role in our overall mental wellness. Certain mental conditions can run in families. Your likelihood of developing certain mental conditions can be higher when it has been present in your family.

    When you understand your genetic predisposition to these mental illnesses, you can always take natural steps to improve your mental health.

  • Adverse Childhood Experiences

    ACEs, or adverse childhood experiences, can also heighten your likelihood of acquiring mental illnesses. These experiences are highly stressful for young kids. It can affect their brain development and overall mental wellness. Being in a psychiatric rehabilitation program can help mitigate the effects of ACEs on your mental wellness.

Our professionals have the expertise to address your mental ailments here at Arise and Shine Health Center. We offer behavioral health care in Glen Burnie, Maryland, to help you preserve and improve your mental wellness. Feel free to call us for your inquiries.


Blogs, content and other media uploaded online are for informational purposes only. Contents on this website should not be considered medical advice. Readers are strongly encouraged to visit their physician for health-related issues.

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